Thursday, January 19, 2012



  One of my best friends recently had a baby and I've been struck with temporary baby fever.  I know it's temporary, because my husband had a date with the frozen pea vendor several years ago.  Still, the smell of lavender oatmeal baby wash and the sound of sweet cries for comfort pull at my heart and leave me daydreaming about the grandchildren I will have, many, many, many years from now.  My children have strict orders to finish college, find a stable job, save some money and THEN consider marriage.  Naturally, their partner selection will need to be pre-approved by me and chances are, I'm not going to like them.  There's a little leeway in this mindset with my son who is gay, since I won't be competing with another woman, but I anticipate a few kinks.  I've already begun sabotaging my youngest with helpful hints like, "If she asks you if she looks fat and she does: just tell her the truth.  She'll love you for it."  My husband usually swoops in saying, "Mommy's just joking, you DO NOT want to say that to a girl."  I give my youngest a smile to let him know I'm just being silly, but my inner Wicked Witch of the West mother in law persona is strategically grinding away.  Alright, I don't plan on being quite so extreme, but I do worry about them finding someone to cherish them as I do.

  Back to the matter of babies.  My son and I were watching a giggling baby video on Youtube and he reminded me that he plans on having children one day.  His vision is to use surrogacy, an intricate and costly option, and I fully support the notion.  The mom in me wants to discuss the dynamics of surrogacy (pros and cons and cost!), but I don't want to impede his desire to parent.  The inclusion of children in a marriage is a normal desire, regardless of the parent's sexual orientation, so it's good for him to dream about.  One problem, however, seems fairly obvious and I asked him, "How do you choose whose sperm will be used?"  The decision on that one definitely goes outside of paper, rock, scissors.  He shook his head at my ignorance and smiled, "Mom (long pause for the 'duh' effect), we'll have two babies."  Well that settles it.  Once again, I've managed to over complicate matters.  I love how matter of fact he was about gay couples having children and hope he's able to achieve those dreams without restraint or prejudice.  I'm ready to give progress a good giddyup in the rear.   

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