Why a sandwich? Who doesn’t like a good, well thought out sandwich? Celebrities have sandwiches; their name alone adds to the zeal of experiencing a dazzling taste journey. Manhattan’s Carnegie Deli offers the Woody Allen: pastrami and corned beef stacked on rye. Not surprised The Woody is short on toppings, but for that very reason I’m staying away. Go to Redwood City, CA and stop at the Heimerhaus Deli for a taste of Hugh Hefner (this already sounds somewhat displeasing). The Hef is white bread and bunny. Eat up. Ok, not really, skip the bunny, add turkey, ham, chutney and pepper jack and you have The Hef. I might go for that one, but what in the world is a LGBT? In support of the LGBT cause, I decided they too deserve a sandwich and it already has a sort of sandwichy ring to it. I tried this once about a month ago and am still trying to perfect the combination of ingredients. We did lettuce, guacamole, bacon and tomato and it was decent, but I’m still looking for that wowza! combination. Rainbow colors welcome.
I just did a quick search and it turns out I’m not the only one making a LGBT sandwich. Damn! Why are my inventions always 5 years too late? Equally shattering, my son told me my rainbow flag image is both common and cliché. Ouch. I loathe cliché's, but common is exactly what I'm after.
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